07 Mar Wisdom Teeth Removal: Common Questions and Answers
The removal of wisdom teeth is a common oral surgery that helps preserve oral health and prevent complications associated with the eruption of third molars (wisdom teeth). Wisdom teeth are not needed for optimal oral function. In fact, keeping wisdom teeth can decrease oral function along with negatively affecting overall oral health. Following are common questions and answers about third molars and their extraction.
When do wisdom teeth typically emerge?
While the majority of adult teeth come through the gums during childhood, wisdom teeth come in much later. Most patients experience wisdom teeth eruption between the ages of 17 and 25.
Does everyone have wisdom teeth?
Not everyone has wisdom teeth. Some patients may have none at all while others may have up to four third molars.
How do wisdom teeth affect oral health?
Wisdom teeth greatly affect oral health in a number of ways. Since these teeth come through much later than other adult teeth, there is usually not enough room in one’s mouth for third molars to erupt through the gums in a healthy position. The lack of room available means that wisdom teeth can come in sideways or partially erupt. In either case, without adequate room, wisdom teeth can affect the placement of other teeth by crowding them.
A partially erupted or impacted tooth is very vulnerable to developing cavities and the periodontal tissue surrounding the third molar is prone to infection. Folks who keep their wisdom teeth often suffer from daily discomfort in the form of facial pain and headaches, too.
What can I expect during and after oral surgery?
During your procedure, expect our team to take measures to ensure your comfort. We will administer local anesthetics and in some cases, oral sedatives, to help patients feel relaxed and at ease. After treatment, we will send you home with detailed post-operative instructions to help you recover as fast and as comfortable as possible.
To schedule a consultation with one of our caring and experienced oral surgeons, call our practice today!