Will I need to have teeth extracted prior to getting braces?

oral surgery ClintonReceiving braces is an important step to enjoying a lifetime of vibrant oral health. Not only will a straighter smile boost your self-confidence, it will decrease your risk for oral health conditions like caries or gum disease. Sometimes orthodontists need to collaborate with specialists to provide comprehensive oral healthcare. It is incredibly common for our oral surgeon to work with your orthodontist and dentist when planning your treatment, particularly if oral surgery is required. When receiving braces, teeth may require extraction—especially if baby teeth or wisdom teeth are present. Our skilled surgeons have extensive experience with tooth extractions and we take great strides to ensure that our patients receive comfortable, top-notch care.

When should teeth be extracted?

Tooth extractions, in general, are a very common oral surgery procedure. When a tooth cannot be saved with endodontic or restorative treatments, that tooth must be removed. Severely infected teeth are often removed to prevent abscesses and other oral health complications. If a patient is receiving orthodontic treatment, teeth may be removed for a number of reasons. The most common teeth removed are baby teeth and wisdom teeth. Sometimes baby teeth may not fall out as quickly as expected and therefore extraction before orthodontic treatment can help improve the tooth transition process.

Removing baby teeth is also common practice if teeth are crowded and lack the room to move with braces. Wisdom teeth rarely emerge properly and often affect tooth placement. To prevent future orthodontic issues or to create more space, wisdom teeth are typically extracted before receiving orthodontic care.

What should I expect during a tooth extraction?

While everyone’s situation is unique, our team strives to educate our patients on what to expect during and after their procedures. During oral surgery, we administer pain relieving and sedative medication to promote patient comfort and peace of mind. After surgery, patients are provided with detailed instructions on how to care for their mouth and what to eat and drink.

Contact any of our four convenient locations today to schedule an examination with our caring team.

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