
What anesthesia options are available to me?

Several methods of anesthesia are available. The method of anesthesia that is chosen for or by a patient depends upon the nature of the surgical procedure and the patient’s level of apprehension.

  • Local anesthesia is administered directly to the site and numbs only the surgical site. The patient remains conscious and unable to feel any pain. Local anesthetic is commonly used with nitrous oxide to help the patient feel more at ease.
  • Nitrous oxide allows the patient to relax during their procedure while remaining conscious. It is also known as laughing gas. It is inhaled through a mask that fits over the nose. Nitrous oxide is commonly used with local anesthetic.
  • Intravenous (IV) sedation is a common anesthetic option for wisdom teeth removal and dental implant patients. Like the name implies, the anesthetic is administered directly into a vein. Soon after the sedative is administered, the patient will become relaxed and enter a sleep-like state. One of the side effects of IV sedation is amnesia — most patients who receive IV sedation are unable to remember their procedure.
  • General Anesthesia may be required for procedures that are very complicated or extensive.  With general anesthesia, you are able to sleep through your surgical procedure.  Your comfort and safety are our primary goals.


What makes an oral surgeon an anesthesia expert?

All of our oral and maxillofacial surgeons at Great River Oral Surgery are trained in all aspects of anesthesia administration. After graduation from dental school, they complete at least four years of hospital-based training alongside medical residents in general surgery, anesthesia, and other medical specialties and have extensive experience in delivery of anesthesia. As a result in their extensive training, every oral and maxillofacial surgeon is well prepared to appropriately administer local anesthesia, all forms of sedation and general anesthesia. We specialize in your comfort!


What if I am nervous?

Many people have some anxiety associated with treatment in the Oral Surgeon’s office. The team at Great River Oral Surgery wants you to be as comfortable as possible during your surgical procedure. Your surgeon will review your medical and dental history and discuss your anesthesia options with you at your consultation appointment. It is important to provide your surgeon with an updated list of medications and medical conditions. Depending on the type of anesthesia chosen, you may be given special instructions to make your experience as safe and enjoyable as possible. Your comfort and safety are our priority!


How do I prepare for anesthesia?

Before your surgery, your surgeon will review the type of anesthetic to be used, as well as the way you’re likely to feel during and after the operation. This is the time to discuss any concerns you may have about any aspect of the operation. Usually, patients describe their feeling during surgery as comfortable and surprisingly pleasant. After surgery, you may be prescribed a medication to make you as comfortable as possible when you get home.