What Is An Abscessed Wisdom Tooth?

oral surgery ManchesterAn abscess develops when bacteria and pus collect in the tooth’s sensitive pulp, which is contained in the root’s interior, or between the root and the gum tissue. The accompanying infection can cause incredible discomfort. Abscesses can be dangerous, as well, as they can also spread elsewhere in the body.

Although any tooth can be affected by an abscess, the wisdom teeth are particularly prone to this issue because of their location at the rear of the mouth. Furthermore, when the wisdom teeth are partially erupted, it is particularly challenging to keep the area free of bacteria, which can then infiltrate the tooth’s inner core and cause an abscess.

Patients who are suffering from an abscessed wisdom tooth typically will consult with an oral surgeon for treatment, which usually involves extracting the affected tooth. Wisdom teeth can be removed with little impact to the patient’s well-being, as modern humans no longer need those large third molars.[pullquote]Wisdom teeth can be removed with little impact to the patient’s well-being, as modern humans no longer need those large third molars.[/pullquote]

Oral surgery is needed to remove impacted wisdom teeth, as surrounding bone must sometimes be cut away before the surgeon can take out the tooth.

Impacted wisdom teeth are potentially problematic in a number of ways beyond their susceptibility to abscesses. They can disrupt the alignment of the other teeth and damage their neighboring teeth as they continue to try to push through the gums. Impacted wisdom teeth are also more likely to develop tumors and cysts.

In order to avoid wisdom teeth abscesses, as well as other negative consequences associated with impacted wisdom teeth, many patients choose to schedule the oral surgery needed to remove the wisdom teeth before they even develop any symptoms.

Patients who choose to have their wisdom teeth removed are advised to do so before their mid-twenties, when the procedure becomes more complex and requires a lengthier recovery time.

Many patients will choose to have their wisdom teeth removed before they become symptomatic. However, if you are experiencing signs that indicate an abscess, like severe persistent discomfort and a noticeable odor in the area, consult with one of our oral surgeons to plan for treatment.

To schedule a consultation, contact any of our four convenient locations and discuss wisdom teeth removal with our skilled team of oral surgeons.

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